Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!

Axiell wants to get our customers to be involved in the roadmaps suggesting ideas for features or functions. Unfortunately we cannot develope each and every function suggested but we want to make sure that you have your say. Add your ideas, and opinions to Axiell's roadmap for Quria, creating new features that yours and other libraries would benefit from. You can also vote for other peoples suggestions as well.

In order to make this portal more useful for all the contributors and for us that work with your ideas, we kindly ask you to write in English.

Please note: If you have an error or a misbehaving function, please contact your local Support for the best possible service. If you are not sure what forum that is the most appropriate for your issue, please choose local support as a first step.

How it works:
The ideas are read and reviewed on a regular basis, by product manager and/or local representative. Your ideas will then be available for others to see, vote on and discuss. We encourage discussions between the idea contributors.

Successful ideas will the be prioritzed within our backlog.

What does the status mean?

Under investigation - often there needs to be a discussion between developers and system specialists before we can say if something can be developed, how and when.

Planned - this suggestion or need will be fufilled in some way in a forseable future.

Future consideration - this status means that we think that it's good idea with no technical obstacles but it's not decided if it can be prioritized and put on the roadmap.

No action - in some cases it is impossible to meet some requirements for technical or other reasons, and sometimes there is another alternative way to solve the need.

Right to reject and close
We reserve the right to reject ideas, and also close issues after 3 months if we don't receive an answer to our follow up questions.

Oversikt over emneord

Å kunne gå inn i en undermeny som gir oversikt over eksisterende emneord/mulighet til å søke i eksisterende emneord. Tilhørende funksjonalitet vil være å kunne slette emneord, redigere emneord og legge til nye. Dette både for vår/bibliotekarens del, men særlig for brukeren, nå når emneord er lett synlig i fasetter på tilhørende nettside.

  • Bjørg Helene Andorsen
  • Mar 29 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    24 May, 2022 12:07pm


    Tack för detta förslag. Jag förstår att du önskar dig ett separat gränssnitt för detta, men under tiden kan du söka i, redigera och ta bort oanvända ämnesord ur auktoritetsregistret när du är inne på ett verk. Vi kommer också att utveckla en funktion för mängd-hantering av verk, uttryck och manifestationer där man bland annat kommer att kunna exempelvis lägga till eller ta bort ämnesord för många verk på en gång.

