Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!
Axiell invites customers to contribute ideas for new features or functions. While we can't develop every suggestion, your input helps shape Quria’s roadmap. You are welcome to add ideas, vote on others’ suggestions, and discuss them. To make this portal more effective, please submit your ideas in English.

Ideas are regularly reviewed by the product manager or local representative. Once reviewed, the ideas are visible for voting and discussion. Popular ideas will be prioritized within our backlog.

Status meanings:

  • Under investigation: Developers and specialists are discussing if the idea is possible to implement.

  • Planned: The suggestion will be fulfilled in some way in a foreseeable future

  • Future consideration: A good idea, without technical obstacles, but it can't be prioritized into the roadmap at the moment.

  • No action: Technical or other issues prevent development, or an alternative solution exists.

We reserve the right to reject ideas and to close issues after 3 months if we don't receive answers to follow-up questions.

For technical issues, please contact your local support.

Välja plats vid inloggnin

Jag skulle önska att man i quria i likhet med bookit kunde ha alternativet att man måste välja cirkulationsplats när man loggar in.

Problem kan uppstå när personer arbetar på flera olika enheter. Om man glömmer att aktivt gå in och ändra cirkulationsplats kan jobbig situationer uppstå, till exempel att man lämnar tillbaka böcker som "hamnar på reservationshyllan" när de i själva verket är på en helt annan filial.

  • Einar Hannerz
  • Oct 24 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
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