Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!

Axiell wants to get our customers to be involved in the roadmaps suggesting ideas for features or functions. Unfortunately we cannot develope each and every function suggested but we want to make sure that you have your say. Add your ideas, and opinions to Axiell's roadmap for Quria, creating new features that yours and other libraries would benefit from. You can also vote for other peoples suggestions as well.

In order to make this portal more useful for all the contributors and for us that work with your ideas, we kindly ask you to write in English.

Please note: If you have an error or a misbehaving function, please contact your local Support for the best possible service. If you are not sure what forum that is the most appropriate for your issue, please choose local support as a first step.

How it works:
The ideas are read and reviewed on a regular basis, by product manager and/or local representative. Your ideas will then be available for others to see, vote on and discuss. We encourage discussions between the idea contributors.

Successful ideas will the be prioritzed within our backlog.

What does the status mean?

Under investigation - often there needs to be a discussion between developers and system specialists before we can say if something can be developed, how and when.

Planned - this suggestion or need will be fufilled in some way in a forseable future.

Future consideration - this status means that we think that it's good idea with no technical obstacles but it's not decided if it can be prioritized and put on the roadmap.

No action - in some cases it is impossible to meet some requirements for technical or other reasons, and sometimes there is another alternative way to solve the need.

Right to reject and close
We reserve the right to reject ideas, and also close issues after 3 months if we don't receive an answer to our follow up questions.

Darstellung Suchergebnis und Recherche | Display of search results and research

Die Darstellung des Suchergebnisses sollte unbedingt die zusätzlichen Felder "Erscheinungsjahr" und "Notation" umfassen, da nur so eine spezifischeres Suchergebnis möglich ist.

Die Darstellung des Suchergebnisses sollte an dieser Stelle so aussehen:

  • Feld „Geistiger Schöpfer“ könnte man besser „Verfasser“ nennen

  • Feld „Titel“ eintragen

  • Feld „Klassifikationen“ Notation eintragen / siehe oben unter Punkt 1.) D.)

  • Feld „Erscheinungsjahr“ aktuellstes Jahr eintragen

  • Feld „Arten“ sollte besser „Medienarten“ heißen

  • Feld „Sprache“ kann wegfallen


The display of the search result should definitely include the additional fields "Year of publication" and "Notation", as this is the only way to obtain a more specific search result.

The display of the search result should look like this at this point:

- The "spiritual creator" field could be better called "author".

- Enter the "Title" field

- Enter the notation in the "Classifications" field / see above under point 1.) D.)

- Enter the most recent year in the "Year of publication" field

- Types field should be called Media Types

- The "Language" field can be omitted

  • Marcel Peters
  • Feb 14 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Marcel Peters commented
    17 Mar, 2023 09:43am


    i added a new attachment to this idea.

    In this Word Document is the answer from ms Frank.

    Best regards

    Marcel Peters

  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    15 Mar, 2023 01:25pm


    Thank you for your feedback.

    We have discussed about showing the earliest publication year before, but we are not sure that this would make it better or even more confusing.

    When it comes to classification, the information is stored on work and there can be many classifications on one work. We are not sure of how useful it is in all countries.

    According to RDA the term "Creator" should be used instead of "author", since the person or organisation that is ackredited to the work can be of other types than "author", e g "composer" or "painter".

    I believe that language is very needed since the list is presenting the results per language expression.

    We are investigating if it would be possible to create an possibility to switch between this search result and one that presents the list of manifestations.

    Best regards

    Magdalena Olofsson