Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!
Axiell invites customers to contribute ideas for new features or functions. While we can't develop every suggestion, your input helps shape Quria’s roadmap. You are welcome to add ideas, vote on others’ suggestions, and discuss them. To make this portal more effective, please submit your ideas in English.

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Status meanings:

  • Under investigation: Developers and specialists are discussing if the idea is possible to implement.

  • Planned: The suggestion will be fulfilled in some way in a foreseeable future

  • Future consideration: A good idea, without technical obstacles, but it can't be prioritized into the roadmap at the moment.

  • No action: Technical or other issues prevent development, or an alternative solution exists.

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Anzahl der Ausleihen in Medienliste sollte sortierbar sein

Bezugnehmend auf Frau Nuvolins Idee vom 1.12.2021 fände ich es noch sinnvoll, wenn die "Anzahl der Ausleihen" in den Medienliste wie Abteilung, Bereich, Medientyp, etc auch sortierbar wäre. So könnte man die Bestleiher schneller filtern.

(Bitte entschuldigen Sie, wenn diese Idee schon existiert, aber leider fehlt mir die Zeit, alle Ideen durchzuschauen.)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kathleen Paetznick / Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei Jena

Referring to Ms. Nuvolin's idea of ​​December 1st, 2021, I think it would still make sense if the "number of loans" in the media list such as department, area, media type, etc. could also be sorted. So you could filter the best lenders. (Please excuse if this idea already exists, but unfortunately I don't have the time to look through all the ideas.)

  • Kathleen Paetznick
  • Mar 22 2023
  • Shipped
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  • Kathleen Paetznick commented
    18 Jul, 2023 03:02pm

    Hello Magdalena,

    In this case, it's not about the top lists in the statistics, but about something like Henning Mankell's most frequently borrowed titles. Or the most borrowed titles of a media type. Both as examples. Or can you also filter them in the top lists? If yes, is there any training material? I'll send an example of what I mean.

    Best regards

  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    12 Jul, 2023 11:55am


    I understand this requirement but I am curious of the use case. There is a top list functionality in Analytics that gives you the titles that have been "best lenders" in a specific time period. Why is it needed to get an item list sorted on the amount of loans? I'm qurious about how the bulk items function is used :)

