Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!

Axiell wants to get our customers to be involved in the roadmaps suggesting ideas for features or functions. Unfortunately we cannot develope each and every function suggested but we want to make sure that you have your say. Add your ideas, and opinions to Axiell's roadmap for Quria, creating new features that yours and other libraries would benefit from. You can also vote for other peoples suggestions as well.

In order to make this portal more useful for all the contributors and for us that work with your ideas, we kindly ask you to write in English.

Please note: If you have an error or a misbehaving function, please contact your local Support for the best possible service. If you are not sure what forum that is the most appropriate for your issue, please choose local support as a first step.

How it works:
The ideas are read and reviewed on a regular basis, by product manager and/or local representative. Your ideas will then be available for others to see, vote on and discuss. We encourage discussions between the idea contributors.

Successful ideas will the be prioritzed within our backlog.

What does the status mean?

Under investigation - often there needs to be a discussion between developers and system specialists before we can say if something can be developed, how and when.

Planned - this suggestion or need will be fufilled in some way in a forseable future.

Future consideration - this status means that we think that it's good idea with no technical obstacles but it's not decided if it can be prioritized and put on the roadmap.

No action - in some cases it is impossible to meet some requirements for technical or other reasons, and sometimes there is another alternative way to solve the need.

Right to reject and close
We reserve the right to reject ideas, and also close issues after 3 months if we don't receive an answer to our follow up questions.

Ausleihe mit gesperrten Ausweisen sollte NICHT möglich sein...

... weder an den Selbstbuchern noch an der Theke. Eine unberechtigte Person könnte auf einen gesperrten Ausweis ohne Probleme Medien ausleihen und nicht zurückgeben. Das wäre dann ärgerlich für den Nutzer, die den Ausweis hat sperren lassen, z.B. weil er/sie diesen verloren hat.

Bibliotheksausweise sind in der Regel nicht mit Codes oder Bildern ausgestattet. Jedenfalls nicht bei uns.

Der Status des gesperrten Kundenausweises sollte nur nach Vorlage des Personalausweises vom Bibliothekspersonal geändert werden können.

Borrowing with blocked patroncards should NOT be possible, neither at the self-service-station nor at the counter. An unauthorized person could easily borrow media on a blocked patroncard and not return it. That would be annoying for the user who had the card blocked, e.g. because he/she lost it.

Library cards usually do not have codes or images. At least not at our library.

The status of the blocked patroncard should only be able to be changed by library staff after presentation of the ID-Card.

  • Kathleen Paetznick
  • May 23 2023
  • No action
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    February 26, 2024 14:36

    Thank you for letting me know and good luck with the move! Regards, magdalena

  • Kathleen Paetznick commented
    February 26, 2024 12:02

    Hello Magdalena,
    in fact we can close this idea. It was probably just a one-time mistake
    that this happened to a user.
    I would let you know about the other ideas once we are in our final
    building and have completed the move.

    Best regards from Jena,
    Kathleen Paetznick

    Systembibliothekarische und medienpädagogische Betreuung
    Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste
    Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei Jena
    Eine Einrichtung von JenaKultur

    Carl-Zeiss-Platz 10
    07743 Jena, Germany
    Tel.: 03641/498155

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    Am 20.02.2024 um 19:39 schrieb Axiell:

  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    February 20, 2024 18:38


    Is this still relevant? I see that information about blocked card is shown in the check out modal now.

    Best regards


  • Kathleen Paetznick commented
    October 20, 2023 11:56


    the problem I described is that blocked cards, that are still registered in the "Library customer's own cards" field, access the customer account at the counter without displaying a message. And that shouldn't be possible. Customers should only be able to borrow with their active library card. At the self-service stations there is also a message saying that borrowing is not possible with the blocked card, but it doesn't works at the counter. I will discuss this case again personally in a group of experts of Axiell on tuesday in Paderborn. Thank you very much for your effort.

    Best regards

    Kathleen Paetznick

  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    May 23, 2023 19:10


    It is not supposed to be possible to borrow items in self service stations with blocked cards. Maybe I misunderstand you? Regards Magdalena