Axiell Quria Ideas

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two more search filters in Patrons / Debts

When searching in the Patron / Debts, we would like to have two more filters, which we really miss in our daily troubleshooting during revenue control:

1. payment method (online, cash, card)

2. workplace

These filters exist for reports in Analytics - but not in Patron / Debts, where you get all the details for payments.

Both filters should allow multiple selection.

Bei der Suche im Bereich Kunden / Gebühren wünschen wir uns zwei weitere Filter, die uns bei der täglichen Fehlersuche bei der Einnahmenkontrolle sehr fehlen:

1. Zahlungsart (online, bar, Karte)

2. Arbeitsplatz

Diese Filter existieren bei der Berichterstellung unter Statistik, aber nicht bei Kunden / Gebühren, wo man die Zahlungsdetails finden kann.

Beide Filter sollten eine Mehrfachauswahl ermöglichen.

  • Silke Kelpe
  • Feb 6 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    9 Aug, 2024 06:49am


    We have decided to implement those two search filters, but I can't say when exactly it will be in place.

    Best regards and have a nice weekend!



  • Silke Kelpe commented
    22 Feb, 2024 08:55am

    Hello Magdalena,

    thank you for your detailed reply:

    1. The thing is that this function is not a "cash report" with the purpose of giving information about how much money there is in the till, and the reason for us having this solution of fee owning branch is for that libraries in consortias, that are using a common Arena with online payment option, they need to be able to figure out how to split the money. When they payment of for example overdue fees is done in Arena, they need to know which municipality that owns the fee and that is the municipality in which the book originally was borrowed.
    Thank your for this explanation ��� we did not consider this, because we are in a different situation.
    The need to use this function as a ���cash report��� came up, because the actual cash reports (analytics���) failed right after the first release we experienced in December and Sebastian recommende exactly this as workaround: Use patrons / fees to fetch all the payments, then export it as csv to be able to check.
    As long as Quria���s cash reports under ���Analytics��� are correct, we are fine ��� but when we have to do research, where mistakes come from, the only way ist to look at the details under ���Patrons.
    2. We are investigating what we need to develop to fullfill the requests from the German libraries when it comes to fees and payments, but it's not clear to us. If you disregard what Quria has today, what do you need to be able to handle your payments correctly? You write that you want to get the paid fees per branch where they have been paid. Maybe that is not enough, one branch could have many desks and payment points so you need to get the list per workplace, I guess?
    Yes, this would be an improvement. It would even help, if the workplace was shown in the overview, not only under details ��� because the we could just rearrange the list by workplace.
    Unfortunately neither ���workplace��� nor ���creating branch��� is included in an CSV-export oft he list (see attached file) ��� we cannot work around that way either.
    3. (As a background to my lack of knowledge: The Scandinavian libraries are always using a separate cash register system in parallell with the library management system, which produces the daily reports of the transactions).
    In Freiburg Quria is the place where all the details for payments are saved. We deposit weekly or monthly the whole sum of payed fees in SAP, so there is the documentation about the amount of money for a period ��� but no information about what sort of fees are included.
    I guess most german libraries handle things like this.
    4. I'm not sure what you mean with no 2. Jahresgeb��hr is a type of membership fee in your system.
    a) in the list of possible fees names turns up ���Mitgliedsgeb��hr��� (german word for ���membership fee���) but we never had a payment with this description. When we renew the membership and patrons pay, it is named ���Jahresgeb��hr��� in the list and patron account. No idea why ���Mitgliedsgeb��hr��� even exists but this is not important.���
    5. and I can see them in the list when searching for an interval in Payment date
    hmm���so where is my mistake?
    When I filter like this I get no results:


    When I reduce the search filters to an ���end date��� I get the ���Jahresgeb��hr���-Payment of that day in that branch:


    Kind regards


    Von: Axiell
    Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024 12:25
    An: Kelpe, Silke
    Betreff: Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) responded to idea QURIA-I-858 two more search filters in Patrons / Debts

  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    21 Feb, 2024 11:23am


    Thanks a lot for this. The thing is that this function is not a "cash report" with the purpose of giving information about how much money there is in the till, and the reason for us having this solution of fee owning branch is for that libraries in consortias, that are using a common Arena with online payment option, they need to be able to figure out how to split the money. When they payment of for example overdue fees is done in Arena, they need to know which municipality that owns the fee and that is the municipality in which the book originally was borrowed.

    We are investigating what we need to develop to fullfill the requests from the German libraries when it comes to fees and payments, but it's not clear to us. If you disregard what Quria has today, what do you need to be able to handle your payments correctly? You write that you want to get the paid fees per branch where they have been paid. Maybe that is not enough, one branch could have many desks and payment points so you need to get the list per workplace, I guess?

    (As a background to my lack of knowledge: The Scandinavian libraries are always using a separate cash register system in parallell with the library management system, which produces the daily reports of the transactions).

    I'm not sure what you mean with no 2. Jahresgebühr is a type of membership fee in your system and I can see them in the list when searching for an interval in Payment date.

    Thank you for helping us with this

    Best regards


  • Silke Kelpe commented
    21 Feb, 2024 08:38am

    Hello Magdalena,

    thank you for your response and considering our idea.
    Yes ��� related are:

    1. Support Ticket - IN00204610 that describes the irritating fact, that the filter ���view data for��� where you can choose a certain branch library does search for fees, that have been caused by loans in that special branch ��� instead of where the fee has been paid ��� what everyone would expect.
    The effect of this misleading filter is, that the request does not deliver the payments oft he chosen date and the chosen branch ��� the result includes payments that have been done in other branches.
    Es far as I can see, the filter ���view data for��� asks fort he chosen branch via the field ���Owning branch��� instead of ���creating branch��� ��� see e.g. payment of Janz, Nuria on 16/01/2224, Dept ID 6a50a887-a541-4bc3-830c-ecd40455fcd9

    2. We do not understand why our membership fees (in our system they turn up as ���Jahresgeb��hr��� not as ���membership fees���) are not included in the list when you use the filter ���Payment date (period)��� for a real period ��� start date and end date fields filled with a date.
    They are only included in the result list, when you only chose an end date.

    Kind regards

    Von: Axiell <>
    Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Februar 2024 11:58
    An: Kelpe, Silke
    Betreff: Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) responded to idea QURIA-I-858 two more search filters in Patrons / Debts

  • Admin
    Magdalena Olofsson (Axiell) commented
    20 Feb, 2024 10:56am


    Thank you for submitting this. Is there anyhing else that you miss regarding fees and payments in Quria?

