Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!

Axiell wants to get our customers to be involved in the roadmaps suggesting ideas for features or functions. Unfortunately we cannot develope each and every function suggested but we want to make sure that you have your say. Add your ideas, and opinions to Axiell's roadmap for Quria, creating new features that yours and other libraries would benefit from. You can also vote for other peoples suggestions as well.

In order to make this portal more useful for all the contributors and for us that work with your ideas, we kindly ask you to write in English.

Please note: If you have an error or a misbehaving function, please contact your local Support for the best possible service. If you are not sure what forum that is the most appropriate for your issue, please choose local support as a first step.

How it works:
The ideas are read and reviewed on a regular basis, by product manager and/or local representative. Your ideas will then be available for others to see, vote on and discuss. We encourage discussions between the idea contributors.

Successful ideas will the be prioritzed within our backlog.

What does the status mean?

Under investigation - often there needs to be a discussion between developers and system specialists before we can say if something can be developed, how and when.

Planned - this suggestion or need will be fufilled in some way in a forseable future.

Future consideration - this status means that we think that it's good idea with no technical obstacles but it's not decided if it can be prioritized and put on the roadmap.

No action - in some cases it is impossible to meet some requirements for technical or other reasons, and sometimes there is another alternative way to solve the need.

Right to reject and close
We reserve the right to reject ideas, and also close issues after 3 months if we don't receive an answer to our follow up questions.

Consistent display and selection of sections in collections and analytics / Bereichscodes und -bezeichnungen nicht konsistent

(Deutsche Version im Anschluss)

The information "section" for items is a often used choice for top lists, reports, zero top lists etc.
Unfortunately the display of "sections" is not consistent:
In the single item information there is the description of "sections" - but not the code.

When requesting list (like top lists etc.) there ist also only the description - but not the code.
In Analytics für reports however is only the code desplayed (when using "sections" as a filter e.g. for reports on deleted items, number of media etc) - without any information or description in the selection dropdown.

The only place where you can find both - code AND description - to get things together is in Configuration / Section.

This is a problem because only few members of our staff have access to Configuration - so we have to work with an external excel list to provide information about which code belongs to which section / description.

This is a matter also to exported reports via CSV - section descriptions have to be added manually there for each section to make the report worth being looked on by everyone.

Best would be to have codes as well as description everywhere in Quria where sections are a filter option.


Die Information "Bereich" in den Exemplarinformationen ist eine häufig verwendete Wahl für Toplisten, Berichte, Nulltrefferlisten usw.

Leider ist die Anzeige der "Bereiche" nicht konsistent:

In den Medienformationen gibt es die Beschreibung der "Bereiche" - aber nicht den Code.

Bei der Abfrage von Listen (z.B. Toplisten etc.) gibt es ebenfalls nur die Beschreibung - aber nicht den Code.

In Statistik für Berichte wird jedoch nur der Code angezeigt (bei Verwendung von "Bereichen" als Filter z.B. für Berichte über gelöschte Artikel, Anzahl der Medien usw.) - ohne jegliche Information oder Beschreibung im Auswahl-Dropdown.

Der einzige Ort, an dem man beides - Code UND Beschreibung - findet, um die Dinge zusammenzubringen, ist in Konfiguration / Bereich.

Das ist ein Problem, weil nur wenige unserer Mitarbeiter Zugang zur Konfiguration haben - also müssen wir mit einer externen Excel-Liste arbeiten, um Informationen darüber zu erhalten, welcher Code zu welchem Bereich / welcher Beschreibung gehört.

Dies gilt auch für exportierte CSV-Berichte - die Beschreibungen der einzelnen Bereiche müssen dort manuell hinzugefügt werden, damit der Bericht von allen gelesen und verstanden werden kann.

Am besten wäre es, wenn überall in Quria, wo Bereiche eine Filteroption sind, sowohl Codes als auch Beschreibungen vorhanden wären.

  • Silke Kelpe
  • May 2 2024
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files