Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!
Axiell invites customers to contribute ideas for new features or functions. While we can't develop every suggestion, your input helps shape Quria’s roadmap. You are welcome to add ideas, vote on others’ suggestions, and discuss them. To make this portal more effective, please submit your ideas in English.
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No action: Technical or other issues prevent development, or an alternative solution exists.
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Önskar en liten "ladda ner CSV"-knapp för exemplartransaktionsloggar liksom den som finns vid exemplarträfflistor.
Would like a "download CSV"-button for items transaction logs, like the one at item lists.
Absolutely that would be a much more efficient way of finding out what I wanted to know in that case. I don't know if I'd want to find that out again, but I'm sure I'm going to be browsing a lot of lists. Having the possibility to export more data to CSV and having better lists in general would help in all kinds of wierdly specific data retrieval.
Now I see what you mean. That is true, and we have implemented csv-download in many places. Another solution is that we will not have paging everywhere, maybe you have seen that we are slowly changing technology and a new table component (see for example admin / Sections (Placeringar) so it will be better over time.
Back to the item transaction log - do you agree that it would be more useful to have a possibility to run reports on for example transit time or other periods in analytics?
Tabs doesnt solve the issue of navigating through lists several pages long. If you do a search for items and get 432 results, its impossible to get an overview without exporting the list to csv. It would be helpful being able export an item transaction log-list as well, but I'm sure it applies to other kinds of lists as well.
Put differently: as Qurias interface doesn't like lists, it would be nice having more possibilites to export logs and lists to applications that do work with them well.
Ok, I see. I would rather be able to create analytical reports for for example time in transit and other periods, I guess that might be very useful - true?
Since Quria can be used in several tabs, that I guess solves a part of the moving between pages. But I will send this feedback to our UX-design team to think of.
I was trying to find out the time items spent in transit by looking at timestamps between status changes. Might be a better way of doing that than what I tried, but the cramped space of qurias web-interface makes all kinds of lists difficult to read. An export-function at the top (any?) lists would be nice, especially since you have to move between pages in most cases. Exporting a list is the only way of getting an overview.
Hi, can you give a motivation for what this could be used for?