Axiell Quria Ideas

Welcome to the Ideas Portal for Quria users!
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Innvoice configurations between VISMA and QURIA

We need a configuration which includes all fees with the innvoice.

After 7 days we give adults a notification fee of 50 NOK and after 14 days they get a notification fee of 75NOK. To the total of 125 NOK (a sum that we should be able to code into the notification fee letters)

If they deliver the books back before the innvoice is sent, they pay this with cash or by “vipps” to the library staff.

When they do not deliver their loans back afer receiving notification fees, they will receive the innvoice from us where the notification fee is included. The due date defines if it is allowed to deliver back the books and get the innvoice deleted. If they deliver the book, they still have to pay the notification fee. And if they do not deliver they must pay everything before they are able to loan again.

Therefore it is crucial to have the notification fee included on the innvoice. It it also importat that the patron is able to pay their full debt for the loan they get innvoice for. Even tho they can generate notification fees for other loans they may have with different due dates. When an innvoice is created, there is not possible to pay the notification fee in cash og with “vipps” with the system we uses today.

We do not have an administration fee.

It is very important that the integration functions well for us, but it will be a problem if the notification fee is not included on the innvoice. And when the innvoice is payed, the notification fee should be deleted. To manage this fee seperately is a lot of extra work for the staff. The patron should not be asked to pay this seperatly either. They should be able to pay the notification fee to the staff when an invoice is not yet created.

And all lists and text that generates must be in Norwegian Nynorsk. – We can help find good words to translate the Bokmål.

We also need to find a solution for the inter-library loans because they may have different fees than us.

  • TrineHelene Pete
  • Nov 10 2020
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